As an event planner one of the many super powers we possess, and yeah there are many because, we're multi-tasking ninjas...with knowledge of great venues in our residing city.
Our clients, employers or team members rely on us to know the hottest venues available, but also know if it's going to be the ultimate venue with all the things....
Not too small
Not too big
Not too expensive
Parking accessible
Close to everyone attending
Fantastic ambiance
Comes with enticing amenities
Can be tailored to personalize your event
Great acoustics
Just enough space indoors
Fantastic outdoor area
And on and on.... Sometimes it feels like you're tasked with finding something that doesn't exist.
Finding a needle in a haystack might be easier. Seriously.
I love helping my clients find the perfect venue for their event, but sometimes I struggle helping them realize the reality of the options compared to their creative wish list.
I have created a tool that helps me in these situations, so I can gather as many details as possible about the potential venues when conducting a site tour or reaching out to an Events Manager for more information. To download the guide click here.
Whether you're touring venues or sending an email, these questions will help you determine if you've found your Goldilocks in the woods.
Happy Hunting!!